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Room 038, Granoff Music Center, Tufts University

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20 Talbot Ave.
Medford, MA United States

April 2019

Gianmario Borio Lecture

Tuesday, April 30, 2019 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Room 038, Granoff Music Center, Tufts University, 20 Talbot Ave.
Medford, MA United States
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University of Pavia (Italy) professor Gianmario Borio visits Tufts University for the lecture, "Composers Analyzing Other Composers: A Segment of Reception History in 20th Century Music." Borio will speak about on composition, discussing that among the elements which distinguish music theory of the 20th century from former periods, there is the relevance acquired by the analysis of single pieces; analysis takes the place of other discourse forms such the depiction of the sound system or a universal set of rules for composing. A…

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